Sunday, June 05, 2005

Secret graffiti performance

Shush! Nobody must know! It's a secret after all... Well, I guess, not for much longer. Erigge is going to reveal his secret to the general and ignorant public tonight. I was witness to a first attempt at de-secreting his project last night but due to technical problems it had to be postponed. So, tonight's the night!!!
And now I shall tell you a secret or maybe more: I fell off my bike the other day. I was rude to a lamp post on Lygon St. I never buy tickets for the tram. I'm an alien on a mission to collect the most secret secrets from people like Erigge. My real name is Uschi and I got 13 toes. 13 is my lucky number too!
Enough of the secrets. I must depart now.

"Sorry that I could never love you back. I could never care enough these last days." Sun Kil Moon


animaldelmar said...

Hello Uschi. i KNEW it! somehow you always seemed ODD to me...

inga von k said...

13 toes doesn't make me ODD. It makes me grotesque! hah! I insist on that difference. Odd is abnormal, grotesque is deviant.
And thus I will gracefully depart
into the underworld once more
where the grotesque is an art
and life is a sleepless chore.
Fare the well, I'll see you around
My love is deep and always bound
To you.

animaldelmar said...

my dearest uschi,

what lovely lines
you draw there out of your behinds,
o no, i meant your lovely brains,
your oddly grotesque trains
of thought.
i ought
to challenge you like erik
who, by the way, is very small-pricked. the thing though, is, i do not want to, i only want to merely want you. and thus, i end this shallow rhyme by hoping that your melbourne-time is great, not mean by far and that it treats you like the queen you are.

inga von k said...

Asso asso asso, ich muss ja schon sachen. Sie schiessen immer wieder den Voschel ab. Deliciously dirty on the one hand, brilliantly poetic on the other. Guhde Mueschung!
The challenge is too great a mission, I must admit I lack ambition, thus I'm not fussed by your rejection, 'tis merely a matter of deception and not the trains of thoughts gone by, and not the royalty of a thesis awry.
I'll exit from this humble stage, 'tis too small anyway, a golden cage. My spirit needs freedom, a larger space, yet my heart is yours in any case.

animaldelmar said...

no more poems for today, i feel less positiv than, say, on monday or on tuesday, well, why that might be i cannot tell...tonight's the anglistik party with lots of music and maybe tarty girls and john, the man of voice, a wonderful choice of people and drinks. hope that your heart not sinks at these lines, they are for your kleines herzchen, guteste frau, das klingt und singt von meiner liebe.

inga von k said...

Always look on the bright side of life, phhee pheeee, pheee phee phee pheee phee pheeeeeee...
Sach ma, kennst Du ein Maedel genannt "Grossbruestchen"??? Hab irgendwo ne ganz traurige Geschichte ueber sie gelesen... Ein einsames Ding (trotz ihrer Grazie voller Aggressionen...) Falls Du sie triffst, lass sie bitte wissen, dass Arschgeweih, Virensprueher und Tomatenschmitts sie nicht verdienen aber sie trotzdem voller Inbrunst lieben und sie ihr Herz doch lieber unbestochen laesst. Sonst wird sie auch noch so ne korrupte und machtgeile Sau...
Pass the word around: we love you!!!

animaldelmar said...

mensch, so lange existiere ich hier nur so vage vor mich hin und lese erst jetzt, dass ihr mich liebt! das leben wird besser, obwohl die uni der korrupteste scheisshaufen ist, den ich je sah und ich in der schwebe hänge. kommst du wieder? und wann? kuss.

inga von k said...

Tuerlisch komm isch wieda. Schon weschen Dir, meine Maus! Weiss doch sonst gar nuesch, wohin mit all meiner Liebe... 1. August, sag ich nur und kurz darauf ab in den Sueden zum suendenhaften und dekadenten Partymachen in Fraeulein Schmitts Ferienkolonie Frongreisch. Du kommst doch da auch hin, oder?
Und nun aufgepasst! Entsetzlich schlabberige Cyberkuesse auf Kollisionskurs... fuenfvierdreizweieins... platschplatschplatschplatschplatsch