Thursday, August 17, 2006


May I introduce you to the Sailor's Union Return Committee: Phonejunkie Nin.A, Horsewhisperer Skully Indelicato, Generalissima Constipatina, Eagle Eye Handsup and the Smiling Famosa Blueshirt. The talented photographer is behind the camera. Unfortunately you cannot see her but maybe you're lucky after all...

It was an adventure BUT like many others this one had a happy end: the Jedi returned and saved the committee from committing too much.

Enough of words, let the pictures speak for themselves:

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Where was the Peabutnutter???

You might wonder what the peabutnutter might be but we don't know either because it wasn't there...

This is just to say that, unlike the peabutnutter who wasn't there, we finally made it into the annals of film culture! I don't want to brag or anything but Gleisdreieck, our brilliant little masterpiece of a short film featured on a relatively big festival-screen last week and will do again this week: on the same day as the very long awaited return of the Jedi, Marieke and Buddy (the latter apparently gutless...).

David (he did well in front of the audience!) and my lovely self were at the Shorts at Moonlight film festival (an open-air event that lasts four weeks and takes place in old and partly ruined castles scattered around Frankfurt/Main) to watch our little babyfilm crawl over a big screen for the first time. It was lucky because it happened in front of a very warm and benevolent audience who ooohed and aaaahed and giggled and laughed all the way through the film and most importantly in the right spots!!! To give them even more credit: it wasn't only quite chilly but also drizzling away right from the beginning but the audience was a tough cookie. No-one complained or anything. Amazing!
I must admit that it almost brought tears to my eyes (even though you might think me a big bit sensitive...) to sit among the crowd and watch Gleisdreieck with them. It was like watching it for the very first time again. It made me very proud to have been a part of its making. (The picture might ring a bell with the insiders...)

And since this is the kind of environment for devious displays of ugliness and horror, I will leave you with two self-portraits and a shot of my little nephew in spe and myself to judge for yourself if and how much sanity there still exists in this world of mine...

Is this a sane member of society, or what! She's also going to be triple auntie soon, so watch out for some crazy stuff... right here!