See, I'd rather die with a falafel in my hand but it seems that it'll be a bag of mixed nuts and fruit (which they call student's chow here in Germyland). See also: I'm not even a bloody student anymore and I still have to eat that stuff, otherwise I might die due to a lack of nutrition (which is called malnutrition in a lot of countries).
The bottom line of these highly philosophical statements is: I'M HUNGRY! And I still need to sit here for another hour with nothing to do because nobody seems to bother to share their recently upgraded knowledge with me. Thing is, I'm not only hungry but also BORED to death, which is why there's a good chance for me to die with my head stuck to my keyboard and a bag of nuts in my hand. I'd rather hold someone's hand or so but there's no-one sharing my office with me and so nobody will even notice if I die apart from the cleaning lady who comes here early in the morning every day of the week but then it'd be too late for resuscitation... I know, you know! I keep myself up to date by reading crime fiction.
And now: I'M SCARED! How can people die with falafels in their hand? Is that only an Oz phenomenon? Is it contagious? Would I look like this guy in the picture, even if it is a bag of nuts in my hand?
If you don't hear from me any time soon, call the cleaning lady! Or watch the film!
schönen gruss von den gunster und mir. ick hab den füllem jesehn und muss sagen, ich finde es schamlos, wie der gute philosophie von simone de beauvoir als sein ausgiebt. du weisst schon. aber ansonsten: gudes ding. du auch.
guddi. pride oozes from the base of my haaransatz und meine gebärmuddi löst sich bit by bit aus meinem unterleib ab. aua!
du hast ja gar nicht upgedated! und isch hab misch do so jefreud!
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