Friday, March 24, 2006

skinny legs

As a lot of you guys know I'm NOT a morning person, never have been, never will be. And now I've got an even better excuse to not get up than just being a grumpy bugger: the prospect of hobbling and crutching around, of manoeuvering on one foot in the shower, in the kitchen, in the lounge room... You know what happens when everything happens on only one foot? I was shocked this morning when I had a look at my legs dangling from the bed: one is at least fifty percent bigger than the other!!! I'm a one-sided skinny-legs vs. massive-legs crutch operator! Looks awfully strange.
Well, I still get up in the morning (midday) and do the routine (which takes more than an hour right now). I still shower and make coffee. I even do some work! I sent off an article for a possible book pulication yesterday. Was very proud of myself. Now I've only got two deadlines left until the end of the month. One is the Making Of of our little film, the other urges me to get more transcriptions done! Which reminds me...

Have to run (hahahahahaaaaaah)


scotspotter said...

Baby, can you come here and beat my flatmate over the head with your crutches? He's such an idiot. I quote:
"Cleaning the bathroom is just something I don't do."
End of discussion. Wha'a dickead! And it's not like he does anything else instead apart from smelling!!

Andi said...

So, let me get this straight. You are suffering from bulimia and obesity at the same time?! :P

Andi said...

So, let me get this straight. You are suffering from anorexia and obesity at the same time?! :P

inga von k said...

Candysandyhandypandy, once again you hit the bull on the head with your interpretation of my little parable on life and eating disorders (all of them!!!)...
And Scotty: idiots are idiots and life is life. The enlightening insight for today from

CRUTCHO (short for Certified Raging Uterus Training Crutch and Health Operator)

animaldelmar said...

good luck with the leg i say! summer is over, at least it seems like it. i was in the state library today and it was fucking impressive! i also researched on a play called yanagai! yanagai! and will have my first interview with an amazing indigenous artist on wednesday! i am excited! i also got another job today as a nanny! the kid's name is billie and she is a handful but probably the happiest kid i have ever seen in my life! no more exclamation marks! i kiss your skinny and your muscly leg, inga! and i'll come round and make your flatmate's life living hell, fleggo! schuess!

inga von k said...

Mah luvly lady! Good to hear news from yous!!! The Making Of is more or less finished. YEY! Steffen&Jo&I are a good team, I think... My sis is moving in with me tomorrow. Some last-minute problems have arisen, of course. But it's going to happen no matter what even if I have to grow more hair to shut out the nervracking chaos. I'll keep myself busy with making coffee and telling my mother off for wanting to run up and down the stairs like a teenager. Which of course she's not anymore. And we all know what happens if I let her live out her workaholic ways... I says: no hospital for me for a while, so maybe I'll chain her to my luvly couch. The couch that would win the Ugliest-piece-of-furniture award if there was one... huh!
More news on the Inga-in-relationshipland front: I'm still there and enjoying every minute of it so far. Even if a lot of it happens on the phone... naughty!!! But awfully GEIL! Another YEY! I might have grown up after all... or not. Who cares as long as it's fun!
Last word for tonight: BeateUhse...

animaldelmar said...

beate uhse is the last word for tonight? ayayay. nachtigall, ick hör dir trapsen. freu mich für dich, meine schöne mit dem hässlich sofa. und ich freu mich, dass das making off bald feddich is und ich es hoffentlich zu sehen krieg. ich hab mit nick angefangen, den kurzfilm neu zu schneiden und es wird ein schöner film. letztens versuchte ich mich selbst beim schneiden. seitdem habe ich großen respekt für steffen hand, denn er ist der schneidekönig. ich habe da drin überhaupt keinen status und auch keene begabung, gloob ick. ich bin noch nich ma ne schneidemagd. grüß die jungs mal von mir, kette deine liebenswerte mum an, besorg dir ganz viele eierkartons vom bioladen unten und pflastere damit deine tür von innen (wegen nerv racking noise) und halt die ohren steif! was macht das bein/der fuss? tausend kuss, die m