Thursday, February 24, 2005

My home in a tree

Yep, now you know. Thanks, Erik, for disclosing my secret... There's absolutely nothing that you can hide from those gossip boys... humph... But it feels good to be able to tell everyone the truth now and not bite my tongue (well, my finger tips) everytime I give you guys a fake update on my exciting life here and how I'm staying with this friend of mine in Northcote, while looking for a place to live. If truth be told, every night I crawl-climb the tree just outside the Union House, and just before the sun comes up again, I have a quick swim in the fish pond, leave the university premises and pretend I just came down from Northcote (casually wearing the same clothes just inside out). Hope, I'm not too much of a disappointment to anyone (and if so... who cares?). Yey freedom! Yey bad-hair-days-weeks-months! Yey sore back! Yey to all my little buggy neighbours!

Well, returning to my entertaining journal update: Erik had a house dinner last night (and I was invited!), and I must say I enjoyed myself exuberantly (yummy pumpkin-sweet potatoe-carrot-ginger soup plus wine and beer and awesome company). I couldn't stay very long but I stayed long enough to know that I'm very jealous of Erik's house and his housemates. Maybe I should try and take on his identity... I have to watch this Mr Ripley movie again, I think...

I'll leave out the details about what happened later that night (just to be at least a little mysterious), also skipping all this important information about how I had coffee this morning actually getting some stuff done etc. What I think could be of interest is that it is a bloody awesome day (the third in a row!!!) and I'll soon get out there again to catch some more of these volatile sunbeams, and tonight I'll watch a film at the open-air cinema in the Botanical Gardens with Flo and Tim and more people that I have yet to meet.

Life can be quite sweet!

1 comment:

fiel.kuhla said...

inga, my dear, you can always stay in my place, but i must say, that it's even further away than brunswick west. maybe we can make a deal, i don't talk about my lovely, cosy apartment, and you don't tell me about yummy pumpkin soup? :-) babe, i hope, you'll find something nice soon!!!!!