So, I have this perfectly athletic body (minimal degree of exaggeration here) and then this: after only twenty-seven something years it starts disintegrating like Germany’s economy...
Look at my right foot, for example: It’s a handsome, hard-working, talented symbiosis of bone and flesh, an indispensable member of the Inga society – but it seems to be unhappy, or at least parts of it, so that an insubordinate piece of my anklebone (little fucker! I called it Inga society BUT it’s not a bloody democracy! It’s a dictatorship, for heaven’s sake!!!) decided that it wants to go travelling. Maybe become a part of my elbow or hipbone. They might need some help there... What about my foot, though??? Has this little shit piece of anklebone forgotten that it serves a great purpose? The purpose being that without it Inga needs to invest time and energy into letting outsiders teach my bones subordination (how embarrassing!). But the worst is that it keeps me from going around in the world and passing on my skills and wisdom.
I’ve started noticing other insubordinate parts of my body. I’ll need to act quickly and make them learn the hard way, I think. Even if it means that I might have to use some pretty rough measures like whips and chains… Well, if I don’t write soon again this little illegal body part revolution will have succeeded… BUT I’ll come back and get them good! Promise!
Epilogue: I've got a new couch. VERY comfortable, VERY practical (it's one of those bed couches - or couch beds?), and extremely UGLY!!! If I get too comfortable on it I just have to look down and OOOPS! I'll be up on my feet (well, my one foot...) in no time! And if I WANT to get too comfortable then I'll just need to wear shades or something. Hmmmm.
Baby, sometimes, it seems, you just have to let go. If your anklethingy thinks it will be more happy elsewhere, it can bloddy well kiss yer ass (or in this, case, foot) goodbyeseeifwecare. I on my part have been letting go of bucketsfull of my head that have been drippig out my nose lately.
Ey Schniefi! Jute Besserung und so! Die Sonne scheint grad so hervorragend und draussen ist es arschokalto und ich geh gleich mal spazieren (solange ich noch kann...) am Kanal und so. Freu! Winter kann auch schön sein. Das muss man ja mal sagen, nach all dem gewöhnlichen Jammergeblubber, was immer alle von sich geben - eingeschlossen mein selbstkritisches Selbst... Kuss in die grosse weite Welt gen Westen, gen Sueden, gen Norden und Osten!
liebe inga! haste dich in ivo verliebt, oder was? wohnt die nicht in hh? finde ich fantastique! ich häng hier so rum, denke an deinen astralkörper, gehe nachher mit paul carter lunchen, weiss gott warum und danach werde ich mich als nanny bei einer familie in sandringham vorstellen, bei der einige meiner housemates schon gesittet haben. das ist nur für vier tage, mit zwei kindern. dafür aber für so viel geld wie buddy für drei wochen früchte pflücken gekriegt hat. haha. und dann, schon übermorgen, werde ich mit buddy campen fahren, in die grampians. man muss auch mal raus aus der routine. denke ich. ich küsse dich und auch die fleißige frau fleggo, marieke
In die Grampians?
Komm doch auf dem Weg hier vorbei!
Mariekschen, ick find dir toll. Da mach ich so ein Allgemeinstatement und du findest gleich des Raetsels Loesung... Ja, bin verknallt, aber immer schoen langsam! Hamburg - Berlin und so und Beziehungsangst... Hab mich aber schon ewig, vielleicht noch nie so wohl und relaxt mit jemandem gefuehlt. Wir werden sehen. Ich mach dieses Mal nicht den Fehler vorzupreschen, weder mit Erwartungen noch Aktionen.
Viel Spass in den Bergen und immer schoen bis 20 zaehlen, wenn die Kids einem auf der Nase rumtanzen!!! kuss
Keine Sorge, chicky, Andy will kiss ur foot better! nicht wirklich, aber I'll bring K&K round and that'll get ur waters going!!!!! :) cya im Krankenhaus! Watch out for those defense mechanisms, I know I am!!!! ;)
Will do, honey! Admittedly, I'm scared shitless of my special talent to be impatient and not content enough with what I've got even though it's the best that's happened to me in a long time... I'm scared that drama is the only thing that can give me what I want even though I want something undramatic... I don't make sense, do I???
Well, see you in Spandau, honey. Bring the Ballet if you can!
you beautiful girls! i went to a talk today, jenna took me to see this tibetan monk. buddy and i are not going to the grampians after all, the money situation is rather shit at the moment. so instead, i am going to see tibetan monks giving talks on embracing life. basically, the monk said that life is a bitch, what about all that suffering. now, embracing life of course means that you have to embrace the suffering as well as the beauty and accept the things that are happening to you just as they are. as i am not a buddhist, highly neurotic AND a female, i can't. yet. but i think it is worth thinking about it. much love from nightly melb to inga in spandau. i will send the bangarra dance company to keep those spirits up! kusskusskuss, marieke
Cool! Spandau Ballet, Melbourne Bangarra, Kreuzberg Fatal. It's gonna be a big pady!!! Who's gonna bring the sex, drugs and crutches???
Next time I need to go to hospital I want it to be a more spontaneous thing. There's too much you have to organise. Getting over it already! And all the thinking too: how am I gonna shower without breaking the other foot? How am I gonna make my precious morning latte if I can't even get out of bed without sweating all over my sheets? Who's gonna do my laundry and the shopping? Am I gonna starve to death? do I need Hulk clothes for my good leg and Heidi Klum ones for the other? What about cellulite? Am I gonna be lopsided standing on one foot only?
All these questions... no-one can understand what I'm going through... whoooohoooohooooo!
Send my love to Emily and Jenna and Ruthie and Nickster!!! I'm sure they miss me just aas much as I miss them! Well, I hope more than that! But don't tell them!!! Just tell them about the miserable condition I'm in. A bit of sympathy here and there will do me good...
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