Saturday, May 14, 2005


Yep, that's me. Had a good day at uni (3 whole pages of regurgitated thoughts and facts!). And now I'm all gurgled out and ready to put my head in a toilet. BUT I might just reconsider that and put some real food in my poor little belly instead, even though it got treated with lots of cookies and coffee today. But since Anja and Erigge und I(gge) are going out tonight (apparently some death metal concert of Anja's ex-flatmate... will be interesting) I might just have to create a solid food base so the alcohol, which will very likely be consumed during the night to come, will not prevent me from coming back here (the office) tomorrow because I couldn't stand the thought of missing out on more frustrating regurgitation.
Feel the love, I say, and drink more coffee! humpf...


animaldelmar said...


ich will mitkommen aufs konzert. kannst du mal anja schwarz nach ihrer email adresse fragen, bitte? ich wuerde sie gerne ueber mein geaendertes magisterarbeitsthema informieren...

viele kuesse, m.a.r.i.e.k.e.

inga von k said...

Liebste M.
Det Konzert war der megaHammer... Wir sind ganze anderthalb Songs geblieben bis die Flasche Rotwein endgueltig geleert war. Dann gab's keinen Grund mehr, Taubheit und Wutausbrueche zu provozieren.
Und dann, ja dann sind wir waghalsigen vier (Erik, Anja, Paul und igge) in die dunklen Hoehlen der gay culture abgetaucht. mehr davon in Deiner Mailbox

die Ipunkt