Saturday, April 23, 2005

Flitze Fleischmann

It's him in the photo underneath, still being studious - well, actually I think he was writing a little short story about Valkyries to present at the Gorgeous Night @ Erik's place last night (good fun, I tell you!). So, I guess that's alright then but it still looks like he's being really good and disciplined... Unlike some other people (note the empty chair next to him - at least the computer is turned on, and also: someone had to take the picture, right!)

He's leaving. Tomorrow. Which means the lunches will become quite a lonely activity from now on. mmh... What am I going to do without him? I guess, I'll lose weight... which is maybe not such a bad thing after all. Nobody likes 300 lbs girls falling on their desk in the library, especially not when she's singing (learned that last night). So, it's all good. I'll miss him anyway though.

Tschuess Flo, alde Schnidde!

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