Funny how addicted one can get to being online and checking one's mail and just surfing the net... At home in Berlin (in my beloved old apartment that I voluntarily moved out of...) I had internet access anytime, here I have to wait for the weekend to pass, so I can get back in front of the screen. Not looking forward to the coming weekend! Bullshit, of course I like weekends!!! It's just that right now I don't know the difference between weekdays and weekends anymore apart from the fact that people actually go to work now during the week and that I can't check my mail over the weekend unless I find an internet cafe.
Oh well, we didn't go to the beach on Saturday after all, instead I spent most of the day bumming around at my friend's house (I made pancakes! among other things), then I went to visit Renee at her cafe to have good coffee and show her my outfit that I was going to wear to a "Sexy Party" (not Sex Party! The idea was to dress sexy), then I went to meet Paul, my old housemate, and his boyfriend and we had some awesome Thaifood. Finally I ended up watching Jane Campion's "In the Cut," which I've been wanting to see for ages since I'm a fan of hers. I liked that she never repeats herself in what she does but, disappointingly, it was a pretty solid genre piece with Meg Ryan and some guy with a moustache having a few sex scenes. She used a few cool techniques but all in all it was not the kind of film experience I had expected ( which can also be a good thing, I guess, since I like it when people know how to play with other people's expectations...). Afterwards I still went to this "Sexy Party." I mean I had gone through the trouble of thinking about an outfit - well, it wasn't too hard actually considering the amount of things that fit in one backpack. Anyway, I went there, met Erik, Laura and Flo (he looked like a YMCA gay guy! The girls loved it!!!) and left again after a couple of minutes because I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe with all these drunk and dancing people. Haven't had a claustrophobic fit like that in a loooong time. Freaked me right out.
Sunday was not much more exciting: overslept (was supposed to look at a room close to uni but I could reschedule), went to have another coffee at Renee's cafe, helped her put up little posters in the cafe's neighbourhood, looked at the room (cheap, in the middle of EVERYTHING, nice enough people, available soon BUT I just walked past one of the girls and she pretended she didn't see me with her head lowered... I guess that's not a good sign), went down to the city to check out the Midsumma Carnival, then on to St. Kilda Festival. I love the beach!!! That was one of the things I missed most about Melbourne... Love having the sea so close. But there were definitely too many people around (half a million half naked, sunglasses-wearing, beer-drinking, chicks and hunks). It took 40 minutes to cue up for a pee!!!
Tamsin made out a group of Germans, so we ended up spending most of the night with them. Was fun. The end of the night was a bit dramatic, however, because I stayed over at Ren's and for some reason we got into this argument. Seems like there's still some old baggage that we need to throw overboard even though I really enjoy spending time with her again and also being so close without actually being together (the attentive reader will have figured out by now who the mysterious person was I spent the first night with not falling asleep...)
So, now I'm sitting here, one Dollar in my pocket, no tobacco left, no credit on my phone, and thinking that maybe I should have joined ELF (ErikLauraFlo) to spend the day at the beach. I'm saying that now but I really think they're better off without me today. No intention of spoiling their day. However, it's hot and sunny outside and I'm a twit to sit inside this office here and stare at a computer screen... At least I got some cool music to keep me sane (I gladly blame Henri for that! Thanx honey! It's my favourite CD right now)
Sorry, if I bored anyone senseless. Your own fault!